Our world, as we know it, faces enormous challenges. As it is changing rapidly, individual companies need to adapt to the huge political, economical, social, technological and ecological demands. This requires changes in business models, that asks for cultural change. Since culture is the behavioral repertoire of a (large) group and its resulting products, the fastest and most cost effective and efficient way of cultural change is behavioral change.
Management teams are trained in the basic conditioning principles and how to apply these in change projects. Key figures in the organizations are trained to become trainer/coaches in order to help management at all levels to achieve observable and measurable cultural change.
We use the best evidence based tools available, including scenario planning, executive coaching, performance management and hypnosis, dependent on your needs and intervention level.
Using questionnaires is not sufficient for understanding and changing culture. We must work hard to pinpoint and measure the desired results and behaviors controlling these results objectively and change these controlling variables with participation of all involved.
It is not enough to train and coach individual employees or management teams discover their own needs. These must be connected to organizational objectives. Now that we have concrete behavioral change technology at our disposal, we are in the position to change whole organizational cultures. Marius leads the European movement in Organizational Behavior Management and helps organizations with his team achieve measurable cultural change.
Reactie plaatsen
Ten aanzien van het gebruik van hypnose heb ik altijd mijn bedenkingen gehad. Marius Rietdijk heeft mij weten te overtuigen om toch een hypnose te ondergaan. Vertrouwen in de persoon van Marius heeft ertoe geleid dat ik mij heb opengesteld om toch een hypnose te doen. Zonder enige twijfel was de hypnose sessie een heel bijzondere persoonlijke ervaring die niet mogelijk was geweest zonder de professionele begeleiding van Marius Rietdijk. Ik kan hem dan ook van harte aanbevelen.
Voor het eerst een hypnosesessie onder begeleiding van Marius gedaan. Ik kan alleen maar zeggen dat het een geweldige ervaring was. Eigenlijk vond ik het jammer dat het alweer afgelopen was ;-)